Copy all your files with ease, all thanks to this handy app that can act as an alternative to the copy command in Windows Explorer

Free super copier download software at UpdateStar - SuperCopier2 is a faster copying tool and it's free! FCU - File Comparison Utility: Utility for comparing files and directories. Files from FAT file systems with this excellent utility. Download Portable Supercopier - Copy all your files with ease, all thanks to this handy app that can act as an alternative to the copy command in Windows Explorer. Free Download changelog.

Portable SuperCopier is a very useful tool that comes to replace the traditional Windows Explorer file copying utility, offering a great amount of features to help you in this regard.

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While it places an icon in System Tray to provide instant access to all its features all the time, Portable SuperCopier supports transfer resuming, which means you can always pause the transfer and resume it at a later time.

What's more, the configuration screen enables you to set up copy speed, just like a typical download manager, to make sure it doesn't affect computer performance at all.

It not only shows a progress bar to track the copying task, but also valuable information to keep an eye on the speed, as well as a log panel to see the status of each copied file.

Launching the configuration screen is mandatory because this is the only way to configure the available parameters, including copy speed limits and user interface.

Additionally, you can configure the actions to be performed once a task comes to an end or in case any errors occur, as well as advanced settings such as process priority and copy buffer size.

Supercopier 5 Windows 10

Pycharm 2019.2.2 crack. Another good thing about Portable SuperCopier is, just like its name says, its portability, which gives you the option to copy all its files on a removable drive and use it on the go, without prior installation.

Overall, Portable SuperCopier is an advanced replacement for the old-fashioned Windows Explorer copy tool, running flawlessly on all Windows versions and without affecting the overall performance of the machine.

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Portable Supercopier was reviewed by Bogdan PopaDownload
New in Portable Supercopier
  • Fix for options loading from settings for copy engine
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Portable Supercopier

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Super Copy 5 Free Download Windows 10

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Super Copy 5 Free Download 64-bit

portable version
This is the portable version of the application. An installable version is also available: Supercopier
runs on:
Windows 8 32/64 bit
Windows 7 32/64 bit
Windows Vista 32/64 bit
Windows XP
Windows 2K
file size:
16.8 MB
main category:
Portable Software
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